
Creating and managing subdomains

Sure, I can help you with that. Here's an article on creating and managing subdomains for your users:

Creating and Managing Subdomains in cPanel

Subdomains are a great way to organize and manage different sections of your website. With cPanel, creating and managing subdomains is a simple and straightforward process.

Step 1: Login to cPanel To create and manage subdomains, you will need to first login to cPanel. You can do this by visiting and entering your username and password.

Step 2: Access the Subdomains Page Once you have logged in, click on the "Subdomains" icon in the "Domains" section of the cPanel dashboard.

Step 3: Create a Subdomain To create a new subdomain, enter the name of the subdomain in the "Subdomain" field. For example, if you want to create a subdomain for your blog, you could enter "blog" in this field. Next, select the domain that the subdomain should be associated with from the drop-down menu. Finally, enter the document root for the subdomain in the "Document Root" field. This is the directory where the files for the subdomain will be stored. Once you have entered this information, click on the "Create" button to create the subdomain.

Step 4: Manage Subdomains To manage an existing subdomain, locate the subdomain in the "Modify a Subdomain" section of the "Subdomains" page. You can then change the document root or delete the subdomain entirely.

Step 5: Test Your Subdomain After creating or modifying a subdomain, you should test it to ensure that it is working properly. To do this, simply visit the subdomain in your web browser. For example, if you created a subdomain called "blog", you could visit "" to test it.

Conclusion Creating and managing subdomains in cPanel is a simple process that can help you organize and manage different sections of your website. With these steps, your users should be able to create and manage their own subdomains easily.

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