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A Beginner's Guide to Using WHMCS with Reseller Hosting

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Are you a reseller hosting provider looking for an efficient way to manage your clients' accounts and billing? Look no further than WHMCS. WHMCS is a comprehensive client management and billing solution that integrates with cPanel/WHM, making it the perfect choice for reseller hosting providers. In this beginner's guide, we'll take you through the basics of using WHMCS with reseller hosting.

Step 1: Installing WHMCS

The first step is to install WHMCS on your server. Most hosting providers offer one-click installs for WHMCS, or you can download the software from the official website and install it manually. Once installed, you'll need to configure some basic settings such as your company details, payment gateways, and tax settings.

Step 2: Configuring WHMCS for Reseller Hosting

To configure WHMCS for reseller hosting, you'll need to add a cPanel/WHM server. This will allow WHMCS to communicate with your server and manage your clients' accounts. You can do this by going to "Setup" > "Servers" > "Add New Server" in the WHMCS admin area. You'll need to enter your cPanel/WHM server details, including the IP address, username, and password.

Step 3: Adding Reseller Hosting Packages

Now that you have configured WHMCS for reseller hosting, you can start adding hosting packages for your clients. To do this, go to "Setup" > "Products/Services" > "Create a New Group". Here, you can create a group for your reseller hosting packages, then add individual packages with different resource limits, pricing, and other features.

Step 4: Creating Products in WHMCS

Once you have added your reseller hosting packages, you can create products in WHMCS that your clients can purchase. Go to "Setup" > "Products/Services" > "Create a New Product". Here, you can select the reseller hosting package you created in Step 3, set the pricing, and configure other options such as billing cycles and welcome emails.

Step 5: Managing Clients and Billing

Now that you have set up WHMCS for reseller hosting, you can start managing your clients' accounts and billing. WHMCS makes it easy to create new accounts, suspend and unsuspend accounts, and manage client details. You can also generate invoices and receive payments through WHMCS using a variety of payment gateways.


In this beginner's guide, we have covered the basics of using WHMCS with reseller hosting. With WHMCS, you can streamline your client management and billing processes, making it easier to run your reseller hosting business. If you haven't already, give WHMCS a try and see how it can benefit your business.

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